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Factors Affecting Insurance Uptake in Zambia: A Case Study of Lusaka City.
Shamaila Kombo, Daniel Chulu, Gwebente Mudenda
Country: Zambia
Page: 01-06
Business |
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Analyse des paramètres de potabilité des sources d’approvisionnement en eau par les ménages dans la zone de santé de Mbanza-Ngungu au Kongo Central en RD Congo
Pascal Kazwenga Masawula*, Cush Ngonzo Luwesi*, Yvonne Ibebeke Bomangwa*, Jean Kalume Shikayi, Danny Kianawa Kinakina, Richard Gasigwa Sabimana, Emmanuel Okenda Djamba
Country: DR Congo
Page: 27-38
Management |
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The Influence of Organizational Culture on Performance and Employee Satisfaction at Telkom University
Muhamad Yusuf Ramadhan, Dr. Agus Maolana Hidayat, Dr. Heru Nugroho
Country: Indonesia
Page: 39-50
Economics and Business |