1 |
An Empirical Analysis of the Knowledge Management Challenges and the Performance of the Botswana Water Utilities Corporation
Mzwinila, K.C, Akhabue A. Okharedia
Country: South Africa
Page: 01-10
Services |
2 |
Paediatric Cardiology and Rheumatology in Interpenetration From Foetal To Adulthood
Ivan Malčić, Marija Jelušić
Country: Republic of Croatia
Page: 11-27
Cardiology |
3 |
Teaching Strategies on the Creativity Nurturing Behavior of Teachers As Mediated By Academic Optimism
Mary Grace R. Manlangit, Eunice A. Atienzar
Country: Philippines
Page: 28-52
Management |
4 |
Bianchi Type-I Cosmological Model with Time Varying
R. N. Patra, A. Patra
Country: India
Page: 53-55
Mathematic |
5 |
The Importance of Academic Self-Efficacy on Academic Procrastination in High School Students During Online Learning System
Widad Pratiwi, Quroyzhin Kartika Rini
Country: Indonesia
Page: 56-63
Psychology |
6 |
Relationship between Self-Concept and Skincare Consumptive Behavior in Female College Student
Nabila Jilan Ulayya, Inge Andriani
Country: Indonesia
Page: 63-69
Psychology |
7 |
Postnatal Depression in the Context of COVID-19: A Framework for Intervention
Queenne Kimverlee Claro Landingin, Belinda A. Ramos
Country: Philippines
Page: 70-76
Health and Midwifery |
8 |
The Application Of The Una Via Principles In Tax Disputes By The Supreme Court Of The Republic Of Indonesia
Sri Nur Hari Susanto, Nabitatus Sa’adah, FC Susila Adiyanta, Kadek Cahya Susila Wibawa
Country: Indonesia
Page: 77-81
Law |
9 |
The Affect of Self-Concept on Prosocial Behavior In Early Adult Twitter Users
Khairunnisa Hutagalung
Country: Indonesia
Page: 82-89
Psychology |
10 |
Influence of Risk Attitude, Entrepreneurial Education, and Self- Efficacy of Graduating Students in Region XI: A Structural Equation Model on Their Entrepreneurial Intention
Marialyn C. Gonzaga, Jimnanie A. Manigo
Country: Philippines
Page: 90-117
Education |
11 |
The Relationship of Self-Efficacy and Career Decision-Making In The 12th Grade High School Student
Realita Sereen Previarzya, Anugriaty Indah Asmarany
Country: Indonesia
Page: 118-122
Psychology |
12 |
Commercial Banks’ Determinants Of Talent Retention Towards An Enhanced Succession Management
J. H. VARONA JR, E. T. Pasion
Country: Philippines
Page: 123-130
Management |
13 |
Application of Traditional Javanese Architecture in Modern Buildings: a Study of the Continuity of Symbolic Meanings
Annisa Zahira Isma, Dedes Nur Gandarum*, Endhi Ibuhindar Purnomo
Country: Indonesia
Page: 131-141
Architecture |